Learn More About the Increased Smartphone Memory Chip Demand

November 13, 2017

Increased Smartphone Memory Chip Demand

With each passing year, smartphones are becoming capable of doing more and more tasks. This has lead to a majority of users accessing the internet and performing more daily tasks with their smartphones than they do with their desktop computers. For that reason, there is an increased smartphone memory chip demand being made in the marketplace.

The Race Between Smartphone Makers Like Samsung And Apple

As cell phone makers recognize this increased smartphone memory chip demand, they are all racing to capitalize on the potential profit from it. In the most recent quarter, Samsung was able to beat out Apple and was able to increase their profits by almost 75% over the previous year. There is no question that this need is only going to continue to rise.

Over Half of The World’s Population Uses Smartphones For Daily Digital Tasks

With users of smartphones doing everything from work-related projects, taking pictures, making videos, and even a wide range of other activities that they can do online, it means that they need a greater and greater capacity of memory on their phone. Smartphones are more mobile than any other hardware people have. Even when someone has a notebook or iPad or even a laptop, those things do not compare in their mobility to a handheld smartphone.

In addition to its mobility, there’s the fact that there are many parts of the world where having a computer and a usual internet connection just isn’t possible. In those places, however, is the ability to have a smartphone that a person can use not only as a phone but also as their access to everything online. Already we can see in Asia and Europe where almost every minute a person is awake they have their phone in their hand looking at it and/or using it.

In some parts of Africa, there is no other source of access to the internet other than a smartphone. In America, the smartphone is quickly catching on in a similar way to the way it’s used in Asia and Europe. This simply means that it won’t be long into the future when the greatest majority of internet users will be doing a significant amount of their work and other activities online using their smartphone more often than a laptop or desktop computer.

Will The Smartphone Replace The Computer?

It is unlikely that the smartphone will completely replace the need for a computer but it is highly likely that smartphones will become the hardware that is used far more often than the computer. Already smartphones are being used as much as the desktop and in the very near future, it is almost certain that it will be used more often.

The makers of smartphones have recognized this and they are now in an out-and-out war to capitalize on the advantages offering smartphones with tremendous amounts of memory. With the increased smartphone memory chip demand it is likely to lead to significant advancements that are good for the consumer. Already the majority of users want and need more memory.

Increased Smartphone Memory Chip Demand Has Outstripped Supplies

The industry as a whole is reaching a bottleneck for its supplies. Part of the reason for this is the need for chips to be smaller while being more efficient. Even still, the demand continues to increase because they are needed by consumers in their smartphones and for all things related to the internet as well as other technology that they use. This has led to prices starting to go up.

Some analysts predict that prices will soon begin to soar as smartphone memory chip demand continues to be greater than supplies. Memory chips are used in smartphones and computers for the purpose of short-term data processing and storage and that’s why they are in high demand. In fact, some analysts are referring to it as an ultra, super-cycle.

Companies who use these in their products are looking for ways to establish a stable supply that is capable of keeping up with the demand. At present, however, most companies are falling short of the demand and this is causing prices to spike. Until the supply is capable of keeping up with consumer demand the prices will continue to go up.

The Features Consumers Want

As consumers continue to use smartphones in every aspect of their life their needs and demands grow. The consumer needs more storage as well as a greater capacity for their processors and even improvement and advancement in their cameras. These things all drive the smartphone memory chip demand.

With many manufacturers preparing to come out with smartphones that have 5 gigabytes they are already putting out prototypes for that change. As early as 2019 consumers should see smartphones with 5G. Many manufacturers are beginning to place orders for the chips far in advance of they’re putting the product on the market.

The Future

Just a few decades ago it took an entire room to house all the computer hardware necessary to run a computer that could do little more than what our smartphone can do today. It is highly likely that smartphones will be able to far outperform what even high-performance desktop computers can do today. This means that the need for an increase in memory capacity will continue to rise from now and well into the future.

Smartphone memory chip demand is already driving improvements in technology and that is likely to lead to significant advantages. It is likely that consumers will feel the temporary discomfort of rising prices until manufacturers are able to adjust and find efficient ways of keeping up with consumer demand.

Until that time it will simply be necessary to pay more for increased memory. But it is unlikely to take long and then companies will be able to produce a steady supply that fully meets consumer demands. At that point, prices will begin to come down. It is highly likely that this consumer-driven rise in memory will lead to increased technological advances that will make smartphones the most used device for many daily tasks.

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